Unlock Admin Account
- SSH to your vRLI appliance (primary node if it’s a cluster), as the root user
First, check if the Local user account is locked
# We need to get the Cassandra DB credentials and login
root@VRLI [ ~ ]# /usr/lib/loginsight/application/lib/apache-cassandra-*/bin/credentials-look-up
# The output will look something like this
<cassandra-user value=”lisuper” />
<cassandra-password value=”mozospf0+O” />
# We login with the following command
root@VRLI [ ~ ]# /usr/lib/loginsight/application/lib/apache-cassandra-*/bin/cqlsh -u lisuper -p {password} –cqlshrc=/storage/core/loginsight/cidata/cassandra/config/cqlshrc
Now to get account status to see if it is locked out
- Status = 1 – Account is active
- Status = 2 – Account is locked out
# Run the below command to get all the rows from the user table
lisuper@cqlsh:logdb> SELECT * FROM user;
# the output will look like the following, you will need the id (first column) and to ensure the status is set to 2
id | api_id | capabilities | data_sets | domain | email | groups | internal | status | type | upn | user_name
47130167-3ccb-4a42-a5a2-58dfe42a25b8 | 022a1972-6d7d-4722-a9a8-92bb48a0cc56 | null | null | | null | {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001} | null | 2 | 0 | | admin
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | null | null | null | | | {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001} | True | null | 0 | | System
(2 rows)
Now to re-enable the account:
# Run the update command and input your users id
lisuper@cqlsh:logdb> UPDATE user SET status=1
… WHERE id=47130167-3ccb-4a42-a5a2-58dfe42a25b8
… ;
# Confirm the user status is now 1
lisuper@cqlsh:logdb> SELECT * FROM user;
id | api_id | capabilities | data_sets | domain | email | groups | internal | status | type | upn | user_name
47130167-3ccb-4a42-a5a2-58dfe42a25b8 | 022a1972-6d7d-4722-a9a8-92bb48a0cc56 | null | null | | null | {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001} | null | 1 | 0 | | admin
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | null | null | null | | | {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001} | True | null | 0 | | System
(2 rows)
Rest Admin Account Password
- SSH to your vRLI appliance (primary node if it’s a cluster), as the root user
- Run this script which will output a new password
The script resets the admin user password, generates a new password, and displays it on the screen.